Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, 27 November 1927

Novr. 27 Dear C A S:— I received both your letter & the Overland with a great deal of pleasure. I don’t yet know whether or not the latter is to be returned—if it is, I can assure you that the copy remains safe & secure awaiting instructions. Sterling certainly proves his worth & fascination …

Continue reading Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, 27 November 1927

Letter to the Gallomo (Alfred Galpin, Samuel Loveman, and Maurice W. Moe), 11 December 1919

Providence, R.I., December 11, 1919   BELLS I hear the bells from yon imposing tower; The bells of Yuletide o’er a troubled night; Pealing with mock’ry in a dismal hour Upon a world upheav’d with greed and fright. Their mellow tones on myriad roofs resound; A million restless souls attend the chime; Yet falls their …

Continue reading Letter to the Gallomo (Alfred Galpin, Samuel Loveman, and Maurice W. Moe), 11 December 1919