Who is Lovecraft?

Lovecraft is easily one of the most recognizable, influential writers in all science fiction and horror, yet is easily one of the most overlooked. Many people have not heard of him, or only know a certain work of his, and are not taught about him formally in school regardless of the massive contribution he has had on literature.
HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT (20 August 1890–15 March 1937) is probably best known as a writer of weird fiction, but some believe his voluminous correspondence to be his greatest accomplishment. You can explore his numerous facets through the many pages outlined here:

His Life provides information on Lovecraft’s life, family, correspondents, interests, and a photo gallery;
His Creations outlines his fictional elements including Lovecraftian locations in New England, a bestiary, and a list of grimoires;
His Study has information on biographies, literary criticism, bibliographies, periodicals, and online articles;
Popular Culture details the movies, games, music, and art based on Lovecraft’s works, as well as the “Cthulhu Mythos”;
Internet Resources gives information on other Lovecraft-related sites, newsgroups, and FTP sites
Thanks to http://www.hplovecraft.com/